Dentist Courses

Complete Denture

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Manchester - 3/9/2022

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Course Information

Mark J Bishop BDS, M Med Sci

Mark qualified from Manchester University in 1988.  Whilst working as an associate dentist in South and West Yorkshire, he completed a degree in Advanced Restorative Dentistry at Sheffield University.  This degree included a special interest in Gerodontology and extensively covered aspects of partial and complete dentures.

Mark was the senior clinician at the Mapplewell Dental Centre in Barnsley for 25 years before retiring from general practice in November 2019.  He now combines undergraduate teaching at University of Sheffield with freelance lecturing nationally on ‘Enhancing Your Understanding of Complete Dentures’

At the end of this 1-day lecture-based course the participants should be able improve their ability to:

  • Identify ‘red flag’ patients at the consultation stage
  • Identify faults on the old dentures
  • provide structured treatment plans
  • assess the merits of different impression taking techniques and materials
  • design special trays and understand the factors that influence this
  • Use an Alma Gauge to design registration blocks
  • simplify the jaw registration stage and understand and the importance of the occlusal vertical dimension of the existing dentures
  • understand the importance of lower tooth position in relation to denture stability and retention
  • understand the importance of post dam marking and identification
  • use pressure relief cream at the insertion stage to reduce review visits
  • maximise the retention of the upper denture
  • deal with common (and less common) problems at review

Course Content

This course is aimed at the general dentist wishing to select the correct patients to improve their complete denture success rate and improve the ability to identify difficult cases and manage patients with unrealistic expectations

Delegates will be provided with a simple pre-treatment questionnaire to aid patient selection.  Template letters will be provided to help patients understand their complexities and prognosis for future success, and a ‘complexity scoring system’ will be discussed to help select appropriate patients for the individual dentist’s skill set.

Techniques to improve the standard of impression taking and bite registration will be covered in detail.

The course will enable delegates to use enhanced skills and clinical tips in the provision of complete dentures and their ability to ‘troubleshoot’ problems.

Development outcomes

The CPD in this course meets the criteria for the GDC’s development outcomes A and C

Cancellation Notice period and fees payable

4.1. Subject to clause 4.2 below, where we have accepted / confirmed the Services purchased by you and formed a legally binding agreement with you, then you are permitted within 14 working days starting on the day after the date we have concluded our agreement, to cancel your purchase of the Services. Where the cancellation is made within 14 days of the proposed training, clause 4.4 will apply.  

4.2. If you have purchased an Online Course and have already accessed, downloaded all or part of the Online Course and/or started to use that Online Course then you shall have no right to cancel your order at any time i.e. clause 4.1 shall not apply.

4.3. In the event of a cancellation 14 days' notice must be given (wherever possible) in this case a full refund will be given.

4.4. In the event of a cancellation where less than 14 days, but more than 7 days' notice is given, 50% of the course fee will be refunded.

4.5. Where less than 72 hours' notice is given, payments are non-refundable, although we may offer an alternative course date.

4.6. For non-attendance due to sickness, an alternative date may will be offered on a subsequent course.

4.7. Where a course is booked that requires attendance on more than one day, delegates are required to attend all sessions. No reductions of refunds will be made, where a delegate fails to attend or wishes to cancel any number of days.

4.8. In the case of Redbridge Associate Ltd or Dental World One Ltd, where an agreement is in place for private course fees to be deducted from salary payments, you will remain liable for the deduction under clause 9.5.  

4.9. We reserve the right to cancel the course at short notice, should unforeseen circumstances occur, where a course is re-scheduled, an alternative date will be arranged, if the course is cancelled a full refund will be given.

A full copy of our private course terms and conditions can be found at

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